On March 14, 2019, HR startup, LIVO Corporation, announced that it became a wholly-owned subsidiary of PERSOL Carrier Corporation (Livebo Press Release)。
Operated by livoJobQ (job queue)"Is an anonymous consultation service that specializes in careers, employment and career changes. Think of something like an online bulletin board where you can talk about your career among users.

Users ask questions and answers about how to work with each other in JobQ
In times of permanent employment, the act of changing jobs may have been rare, but in the modern age it is natural. It's not unusual for a veteran to be a third-year veteran in the startup community.
Of course, people who want to change jobs look for interesting industries or companies. It will search the company's corporate site and interviews with the president in the media. Of course, they must be useful information, but on the other hand, the suspicion that "the content of the remarks is made up" also comes up. It is JobQ to use at such time.
If you post a question to JobQ, employees can directly provide explanations of the company and "information with a sense of on-the-spot information" about how to work, which can be used as a reference for job change.
JobQ has been mentioned in the past even in pilot boats. Please refer to the following for details.
It is announced that Libo, who operates such JobQ, will participate in the Parsol Group. The intention was met by Mr. Odani, the CEO of Laibo.
JobQ is a place to talk about the career among users. Therefore, as a user, they actually start job change activities after consulting, but we did not directly develop a recruitment service. On the other hand, Persol Career is a company that develops various human resource services centering on recruitment services such as doda. By combining this with this, our aim is to provide a consistent value to the user. (Mr. Odani, the same applies below)
From 2016, Livo started linking with each recruitment medium. The user who asked the question on JobQ was in the lead so that the job could be accessed immediately. One of them is a parsol carrier, and this partnership has led to the deal.

Front row: Mr. Odani of livo (provided by livo)
After becoming a subsidiary, Mr. Odani will remain the representative director of Laibo, and will promote collaboration between Growth of JobQ and Persol Carrier.
The two companies are now in the process of putting together their goals. We will gradually promote concrete cooperation contents and methods from now. I would like to solve the problem of “working” by making full use of resources such as Persol Carrier's customer base and big data related to job changes.
As introduced at the beginning, it is not uncommon for Japan to have multiple careers in life. That means that the potential career change period has been prolonged, and at the same time, it has become worthwhile to support that period.
In fact, in recent years, Recruit has acquired Glassdoor, Link and Motivation has converted Vorkers to an affiliate, etc., and a case of M & A of a company that operates a company review review service by a major human resource has arisen. Owns the site). The Parsol group is also likely to chase its rivals in the acquisition of Laibo.
The specific collaboration between the two companies is from now on, but I hope that this deal will lead to the revitalization of the Japanese career change industry.
(Eye catch photo: provided by livo)
代表者:小谷 匠
Location: Tokyo
※ The information is at the time of the article release.
The contents of the interview are also distributed by podcast
We are delivering interviews at the podcast interview.
Representative CEO of pilot boat, Limited
1987年生まれ。明治大学経営学部卒、早稲田大学大学院会計研究科修了。在学中公認会計士試験合格。大手監査法人で会計監査に携わった後、ベンチャー支援会社に参画し、300超のピッチ・イベントをプロデュース。 2017年に独立して合同会社pilot boatを設立し、引き続きベンチャー支援に従事。長文でスタートアップを紹介する自社メディア「pilot boat」、toCベンチャープレゼンイベント「sprout」、その他スタートアップイベントを運営。得意分野はファッション・ビューティ×テクノロジーをはじめとするライフスタイル・カルチャー系toCサービス。各種メディアでスタートアップやイノベーション関連のライター、大手企業向けオープンイノベーション・コンサルティングも務める。 Twitter: @ jumpei_notomi
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