How is the new generation fashion media involved with Millennial Z generation? [Pilot boat day # 001 startup × FashionTech Report 2/5]

"Pilot boat day" being held on the theme of "day to enter state-of-the-art startup information". The first round was held on the theme of "startup × FashionTech". In pilot boat, pilot boat day # 001 For each session.

All of this section,Sold by note (charged)doing. The following is only a summary.


Session list

01 How will technology change apparel industry
02 How is the new generation fashion media involved with Millennial ← This article
03 Fashion × Vertical CtoBtoC
04 Major Apparel × Case Study of Startup ~ Adastoria
05 Technology x relationship with users who change in fashion




株式会社Candee 執行役員
鍛治 良紀(Kaji Yoshinori)

Born in Nara Prefecture in 1981. Graduated from Doshisha University in 2004. Joined Cyber ​​Agent Inc. At the same time he left the company, he established Kar creation Co., Ltd. and became a representative director. After that, after the group manager of West Japan Nippon Sansan Co., Ltd., e-commerce at MARK STYLER Co., Ltd., after the group chief of WEB Section Runway Channel, the division of MARK STYLER Co., Ltd. advertisement and media division divisionized and independent Times Transit shares Appointed the company's representative director. After that he participated in Candee Co., Ltd., and was in charge of media alliance as executive officer.

Representative director RiLi Co., Ltd.
Asamo Watanabe(Watanabe Mai)

Born in 1988. I am from Niigata Prefecture. He is involved in web production and web promotion of various brands targeting the F1 layer, including the Tokyo Girls Collection. MARK STYLER Co., Ltd., which had been enrolled until 2013, engaged in SNS marketing. After experiencing production and marketing, after establishing Super Crowds inc. With friends, start fashion media RiLi as internal business. Separated business in 2015, assumed office as representative director of RiLi Co., Ltd.

(Moderator) pilot boat CEO
Nabe Hohei(Notomi Jumpei)

Born in 1987. He graduated from the Meiji University School of Management in 2009 and completed the Graduate School of Accounting at Waseda University in 2011. I passed a certified public accountant examination while I was in college. After engaging in accounting audit with a major audit firm, I participated in a venture support company and produced over 300 pitch and venture events. In 2017 he independently established a joint venture company pilot boat and continued to engage in venture support. Start up introduction media "pilot boat", podcast "pilot boat cast", toC venture presentation event "sprout" operated. FashionTech and other lifestyle / culture toC services are the specialty areas.


wrap up

● Advertising enterprises are "Live Shop!" Which provides social live commerce, and RiLi which curates trends from install grammar posting.
● The phenomenon that goes to the photo stop rather than the Instagram
● Influencer monetization will diversify from PR
● The influence measurement is converted from quantity to quality. Consider also qualitative things.
● Experience and empathy to deliver to users
● Months are not sold, but how to sell has changed and diversified
● Millennial is properly using EC and stores


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