"What is this product?" "Payke" that can search for any product information from a barcode

This time we will introduce payke. We are developing Payke to introduce products using barcodes for visitors to Japan. I asked stories about what kind of talent they wanted from the background of our foundation. Listener is this bloggerSatisfactionis.


Payke is a barcode service that understands products around the world


Q. Please tell me about Payke.

Payke is a platform for product information if you say it in a word. When barcode is read, we operate an application that detailed information on that product comes out. It is possible to register reviews, recipes, videos, etc as well as explanation with the text of the product itself. It may be good to say wikipedia of product information. Payke is the platform that can easily register those information.

Payke Representative Director, CEO Kisuke Furuta

Born in Tokyo. From the early childhood baseball to childhood, from junior high school to depressed into a personal computer to semi withdrawal. Every day I spend most of the day in front of the monitor starts. Entrance to private school student high school, also dropped out on the way in one year. After that I will send the wanderer days. After that, I was drawn to something and moved to Okinawa alone. After entering the University of the Ryukyus, start up the EC project individually and put it on track in the first month. Working in collaboration with prefectural trade trading company, engaged in the trading business and overseas promotion of products of Okinawa prefecture. After that it became independent, founded Payke Co., Ltd. in November 2014. He assumed the position of CEO.


Payke can be used for Japanese people, of course, but I am currently focused on visiting foreigners. When they came to Japan, I tried various items, but since it is Japanese in the first place, I do not know what is written. In that case, if you use Payke's application, detailed information on that product can be confirmed in the setting language of the smartphone. Currently it is possible to view product information in 5 languages ​​including Japanese, English, Traditional Chinese, Korean and Chinese.


On the other hand, Payke is also used by business people, mainly manufacturers and retailers, on the back side. In other words, they register their product information with Payke and use it for marketing. Let me explain in more detail. The user scans product information at Payke. On the other side of Payke you can see when, when, where, who, what and how you were watching. From this information, for example, "People like A are watching these product groups, so you can grasp such items like this product in this area".


Q. Please tell me the current situation of Payke.

Thanks to you, Payke has grown steadily, and as of May 2017, about 9,900 items of product information are now available for viewing from Payke. As a product, there are many things that you can buy at a drugstore such as cosmetic products such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, daily necessities. Another local specialties. Even though there are some people who are willing to buy more if there is an explanation, they are still popular with the product.

As foreigners visiting Japan are using it, of course many Payke applications are downloaded from foreigners as well. Taiwan · Hong Kong · Macao has become the number one in all free comprehensive applications. There are also a lot of awards history in the contest etc. It is also chosen as "Entrepreneurs World Expo Minister's Award", "Oriental Economy" Great Entrepreneur 100 "election", "Kyushu Yamaguchi Venture Award Best Award".


There are many products that you want to buy if you understand the story


Q. Please tell me how you founded Payke.

I worked as a trade-related worker in my previous job. In order to sell good products of Japan overseas, we were eager to purchase items from manufacturers and attach taglines. As a part of that, there were frequent opportunities for manufacturers, especially people in charge of development to listen to stories. Because the developed people are obviously the products that they made, why we developed this product from developing things to confidential stories tell us about the product as much as this.

However, when it comes to actual products, packages are lined up with tens of thousands of items in mass retailers in such a state that no such things are written at all. This is amazing waste. Since I can do anything on the web, I thought that it was necessary for the consumer to know the story of the product and the back side.

Because I was a foreigner who came to think of who I am in trouble because I do not understand the product information, in the first phase I started developing Payke as a target to foreigners visiting Japan .

The pepper that installed the application of Payke reads the bar code of the product.


I would like to adopt "people who can plan and operate and manage"


Q. Who are the people I want now at Payke?

It is human resources who can make proposal type sales, such as sales and planning. Especially those who have sold B to B merchandises or those who were leaders in sales positions are ideal. Although Payke has dealings with many manufacturers as mentioned above, demand varies considerably from customer to customer. Currently I am in correspondence with Yamada of COO, but since there are limits indeed, we are looking for someone who will help us. I hope Payke successfully resolves customer issues.

Also, although it may be departing from the purpose of this event, it is time to grow the business from now on, so I am happy if there is a marketer as well.


All of the employees in Okinawa?


Q. Please let me know if there are other selling points of Payke.

Anyway everyone is young. Currently there are 16 employees and the average age is 29 years old. There are only ambitious houses and everyone has eyes glittering.

And, in fact, Payke's head office is Okinawa. Okinawa is mainly development and back office, Tokyo has a lot of national clients, alliances, sales people. Although planning jobs and sales / marketing are scheduled to work in Tokyo, I will be traveling to Okinawa several times a year, and I will hold a drinking party for all of the employees in Okinawa. For those who want to go to Okinawa it is the best environment!

How to work is quite free. Some people are taking a baby and going to work, and engineers also make work at home OK. Since it is a company that is tolerant of work life balance, I would like to ask someone who wants flexible working methods without worrying about it.

Furuta's payke (left) and blog main at the interviewer of Notomi ( peitaro )