Inli Media's RiLi raised 100 million yen. In "the choice to make your own style"

RiLi.tokyoOn March 27, 2019, RiLi Co., Ltd., which operates (Lilydot Tokyo), raised 100 million yen with XTech Ventures Co., Ltd. as an underwriter, and at the same time, Mr. Hiroki Teshima, an XTech Venture, was appointed as an outside director I announced.

RiLi is a fashion curation media based on Instagram , which analyzes and introduces trends from Instaglammer's post. Set a "choice to fulfill your own way style" as a concept, Instagram is @ There are 200,000 followers,@ 130,000 followers,Hashtag #rili_tokyoHas attracted 240,000 posts, with a focus on Z generation girls.

For more information about RiLi, see the following articles:

Analyze trends from Instagrams. RiLi will be a z generation magazine


RiLi did not raise funds at the seeding stage, and this time it raised Series A. Instagram run start from April 2017, Watanabe's representative is facing products and "about 2 years user, challenges and solutions are becoming clear. Through such a hypothesis verification phase, ready to step on the accelerator is integer Commented that it was

At the same time, Watanabe, a representative of RiLi, has made a statement on the blog about RiLi's aim for the world.
What does RiLi aim for? --- What has been done, what to do from now on, and to the members of the future

A member of RiLi. Sitting right is representative Watanabe Masaru. The left is director CTO Mr. Shiomi Katayama. (Provided by RiLi)


The fashion EC industry is busy now. The other day the Instagram announces the start of the "Checkout" function, which allows the purchase of items from the app, or conversely, ZOZO has ended the "Omakase regular flight" of the coordination proposal EC.

RiLi, meanwhile, quickly sends out live information from people and places that are gaining support from users such as Instagram and Instagramer. As he said, "I made the RiLi system a worldview that can not be verbalized" (Watanabe representative), he is trying to build his own position while creating his own trend.

RiLi will accelerate its business with this funding. Also watch out for the next trend RiLi spins.

(Eye catch photo: provided by RiLi)

代表者:渡邉 麻翔(Watanabe Mai)
Location: Tokyo
※ The information is at the time of the article release.
WRITING ぺーたろー / 納富 隼平(Notomi Jumpei)
Representative CEO of pilot boat, Limited
1987年生まれ。明治大学経営学部卒、早稲田大学大学院会計研究科修了。在学中公認会計士試験合格。大手監査法人で会計監査に携わった後、ベンチャー支援会社に参画し、300超のピッチ・イベントをプロデュース。 2017年に独立して合同会社pilot boatを設立し、引き続きベンチャー支援に従事。長文でスタートアップを紹介する自社メディア「pilot boat」、toCベンチャープレゼンイベント「sprout」、その他スタートアップイベントを運営。得意分野はファッション・ビューティ×テクノロジーをはじめとするライフスタイル・カルチャー系toCサービス。各種メディアでスタートアップやイノベーション関連のライター、大手企業向けオープンイノベーション・コンサルティングも務める。 Twitter: @ jumpei_notomi

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