"XZ" solving the worry of the wearing cord is fully renewed. Perform automatic coordination proposal

Of the clothes I have, I often use 20% of the items I use frequently, the remaining 80% seems to be fertilizing the dance. Well, then 80% of that can not be used at all, that's not the case. There are things that it is not simply to know the coordinates. A fashion application for such a person is "XZ (closet)」。

XZ has been operated as a community application to solve Kode's troubles among users, full renewal in July 2018. Applications have automatically proposed coordination.

Users register their clothes in XZ. Then XZ suggests a wearing cord using hand-held clothes in about 3 seconds.


The renewed application is in a calendar format, it seems not to be coordinated like yesterday, it suggests coordination taking into account weather and temperature.

At the time of full renewal it corresponds only to ladies, but men will also be released in August. We will also offer items to buy in the year.


In pilot boat this month we will be conducting an interview with STANDING OVATION which manages XZ. As usual it is asked what kind of service it is "how do you manage this service" "what problem is solving"? looking forward to!



peitaro / Notomi Hayabusataira (Notomi Jumpei)
CEO of pilot boat / writer

Born in 1987. Graduated from Business Administration of Meiji University, graduate school of accounting at Waseda University. I passed a certified public accountant examination while I was in college. After engaging in accounting audit with a major audit corporation, I participate in a venture support company, produce over 300 pitch startup events, and consult for open innovation.
In 2017 he independently established a joint venture company pilot boat and continued to engage in venture support. Long text startup introduction media "pilot boat"Online salon for start-up neighbor beginners"pilot boat salon", ToC venture presentation event"sproutIt operates. Specialty fields are FashionTech / BeautyTech and other lifestyle-culture toC services. I also serve as a writer related to startups and innovation on various media.
Twitter: @ jumpei_notomi

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